Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Innovative rebound walls bring tennis to a new audience

UK-based company Rebo is launching a new tennis training and play tool that aims to bring the game to more people across the country.

Inspired by claims from tennis legends such as Roger Federer, Martina Navratilova and John McEnroe that practicing by simply hitting a ball against a wall repeatedly was a major reason for their success, the company has created a free-standing, angle-faced rebound wall.

A REBO Wall can be used for coaching groups and individuals, ‘cardio-tennis’ fitness sessions and for players that want to practice on their own.

The product is constructed from free-standing, prefabricated 2.5m high by 1.2m wide sections that connect together, and features an angled rebound surface nine degrees off the vertical – which provides a more realistic arced flight to the ball compared to just using a brick wall.

According to Rebo, the walls can be installed in half a day, and can be placed practically anywhere – from school playgrounds and community centres to under a flyover or a skatepark – allowing those who might not normally engage with tennis to try the sport.

More than 2,000 shots per hour can be hit when using a REBO wall, compared to roughly 150 per hour during a match, and about 500 per hour with a ball machine.

The wall can also be used to practice other ball games such as football.

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